The One True Message

If there's one idea I could pass along to the young people, to the next generation of humanity-- one piece of wisdom, one profound final thought-- and I know this goes against human nature, against the "endowment effect" and our possessive minds, this conflicts with our desire for ownership and our love of indignance and personal space-- I know it's a hard message to get across and an even harder one for people to implement-- but I believe! . . . I believe we can learn to do this, as a culture and a collective and it will be a great leap forward . . . so the thing I will say on my deathbed, my dying words, my legacy, is this: the left lane is for passing!


zman said...

Thus begins Dave’s campaign to be Secretary of Transportation.

Whitney said...

Is Daylight Savings a Transportation matter?

Whitney said...

My second comment in your last post should be heralded

rob said...

okay, boomer

Whitney said...


A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.