The Hegelian Trumpalectic

Thesis, antithesis, synthesis . . . that is how 19th-century German philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel imagined progress happened, whether in logic, philosophy, spirituality, politics, ethics, art, etcetera . . . and it seems we are amidst an extreme version of this process, spurred by the human antithesis himself, Donald Trump-- and while I don't agree with some of his bullshit, like a blanket pardon to all the January 6th rioters-- including people like Matt Huttle, who violently abused his own child and Theodore Middendorf, who sexually abused a seven-year-old . . . a seven-year-old, dude . . . Jesus-- I don't think there's going to be much synthesis with that move and I can't understand why cops love Trump when he's releasing criminals back into the wild-- although I guess Trump is just "on brand" for cops-- but on the other hand, Trump's removal of all DEI initiatives from government agencies is certainly a valid antithesis to the reverse discrimination of "affirmative action" and the Biden administration's "woke" consideration of race, intersectionality, and microaggressions-- racial discrimination is already illegal, banned by the Civil Rights Act-- and I think the majority of people are sick of race being at the forefront of identity politics and don't want mandates that go beyond the illegality of discrimination . . . while we can't ignore the past, the goal is to become what Frederick Douglass and Martin Luther king dreamed-- a color blind society--  so while you might not like Trump's
tone, attitude, or methods, just remember, there will be an eventual synthesis of some of Trump's more obnoxious objectives and maybe, eventually, some sort of halting progress.


rob said...

when did chris rufo start writing this blog?

Professor G. Truck said...

who is that?

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