Dave Fails at Revenge, But Succeeds at Civilized Society

Yesterday morning, I tried to exact my gentlemanly revenge for this foul deed-- when I got out of my car, I spotted the shoulder-length blonde hair of the culprit as she was walking along the front of the building towards the side door; walked briskly to the door so that I got there well ahead of her; opened the door, and waited; and then, as the culprit rounded the corner I noted that this was another nameless woman with shoulder length blond hair-- people are really bundled up because of the cold and it's hard to differentiate between thirty-somethings with should length blonde hair-- but this was definitely NOT the woman who didn't hold the door for me-- but despite not exacting my revenge, things turned out just fine: she thanked me for holding the door for her and we had a normal, civilized conversation about the weather as we walked to the office to sign in.


zman said...

Perhaps the first normal, civilized conversation you've ever had.

Whitney said...

And yet, the odds were still against it

Professor G. Truck said...

true, true . . . i can only recount some of this story offline-- this is a slightly bowdlerized version

Whitney said...

Oh boy

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