Various Kinds of Door Decorating


My older son Alex turned nineteen today (WTF!) and my wife slipped out of work at lunch and went to his dorm and decorated his dorm room door (and dropped off some cupcakes) which was lovely (and my brother took him out to lunch) but it does remind me of some "door decorating" that we did in the fraternity house in college-- my friend Whitney and I threw apples at a door every single day, until a thick crust of apple residue built up on the door and the floor in front of the door, and then we framed another guy so he took the blame; someone else painted a door pink, and the person's whose door got painted pink took a drive and found some roadkill, bagged it, brought it back to the fraternity house, and nailed it their door for revenge.


zman said...

All perfectly normal, well-adjusted behavior.

rob said...

i assume alex's dorm mates put his head in the bowl

Whitney said...

Those were the days, my friend

Professor G. Truck said...

those were one of these days . . .

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