Nothing Says Jersey like a Microbrewery in an Industrial Park

Yesterday my wife and I went to the Jersey Cyclone Brewing Company-- which, like Cypress Brewery is located in a weird industrial park-- but unlike Cypress, Cylcone Brewery has a spacious tasting room with tables, booths, and a large bar- the beer is decent, but nothing to write home about . . . as far as local breweries go, I still like Flounder Brewery the best (both for it's excellent and various beers and the pastoral setting).


Whitney said...

Dear Sentence Dave:

Please give us more detail, i.e., the specific beers of each that you like or don’t.

Professor G. Truck said...

Flounder has two exceptional beers: FRED (IPA) and -- the best one-- Black Emerald Stout.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.