My Neck Has a Weird Itch . . . Is It Just Sweat From Running?

When I looked in the mirror a moment ago, I saw a decent sized spider on my neck . . . and I wish I could say I reacted calmly (but no worse than my son's reaction this afternoon, after he went to the DMV to finally convert his temporary license into the real laminated McCoy-- only to find that they changed the rule last week and you MUST bring your physical Social Security card-- on top of a passport-- and we have no clue where that item is . . . going to the DMV is like being covered from head-to-toe with spiders).


Whitney said...

You've always been terrified of spiders

rob said...

i've had a little spider hanging out in my office the past several days. he was sitting on the ceiling for a while this morning. don't see him now. hope he didn't make his way to dave's neck.

Dave said...

rob, some advice. KILL THAT SPIDER!

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