Dave Is Somewhat Color Blind (But Mainly Dumb)


In terms of perceiving color, I am blue-green deficient, but in terms of perceiving detail I am simply defective . . . I bought a bunch of organic Honeycrisp apples from Costco and left them in the fridge in the special plastic apple container-- because they were pricey and I didn't want them to go bad . . . but then I saw one on the fruit tray on the counter, so I cut it into quarters and slathered it with peanut-butter; then my wife walked in and said, "Why are you eating Ian's green apples? You have your own apples!" and I said, "This is one of my apples" and she said, "Your apples are red!" and I denied this and then she showed me . . . and she was right.


rob said...

your family has bespoke apples? boooooougie.

zman said...

How do ya like them apples?

Dave said...

i love them apples! worth the fifteen clams.

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