That's What She (Actually) Said

I try to avoid walking through the hallways at the giant, overcrowded high school where I work. It's airless and oppressive and SLOW-- and I hate walking slow. The only positive thing is that you get to hear what the kids are talking about in the wild.

During hallway excursions, I typically overhear three types of conversation:

1) Things too filthy to transcribe.

2) Emotions ranging from anxiety to fuck-it about upcoming tests, quizzes, projects, and presentations.

3) References to memes,YouTubers,video games, school clubs, inside jokes, and other allusions are incomprehensible to me.

 But yesterday, I heard something behind me that is exactly what I imagine high school kids should be talking about. Something that sounded like it was out of a John Hughes movie. It was wonderful. It was a pair of girls and they were walking behind me. One said to the other, with all sincerity:

"There's this boy in my lunch? He sits right at the the table next to mine, and he does not even know I exist. He's never even looked at me, but he's soooo cute!"

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