Surreal Kitchen Accessory in the Guise of a Band Cheers Up a Soggy Version of Dave

I was sitting outside at Pino's-- beer-soaked and annoyed, because I put my pint of Guiness down on a very tilted, rather slick table and it slid off and when I tried to catch it, the glass shattered on the ground and the beer flew all over my pants-- but when I went inside to go to the bathroom, the band was just finishing their set and the lead singer said, "We are Psychedelic Oven Mitt . . . thank you for listening to the noise we make!" and that made me very happy, despite my sogginess, and the next morning I looked the band up on the internet and that made me even happier because they spell "psychedelic" in their own particular style: PSYKIDELEC.


rob said...

it's good, but it's no scrod rocket

Whitney said...

This diminishes your crusade against homework

Marls said...

Cheery Dave now has more vim to go back to clearing the road for his son.

Dave said...

i'm finally taking to his teacher this afternoon. i'm getting kind of tried of the anti-homework-crusade, which is probably exactly what the administration wants.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.