Three Cheers for Tax Day? Not With This EPA

Noam Chomsky thinks our attitude about tax day is analogous to our attitude about our democracy; if we had a democracy that was in any way representative of what the general population wanted, then tax day would be celebratory, a day where we knew we were funding programs and activities that we generally agreed were going to make our country a better place-- but instead it is a "day of mourning" when an "alien power" steals your hard-earned money and uses it to further the interests of richest constituency; one of my favorite podcasts, The Indicator, falls right in line with this attitude . . . and I share this general anger-- I don't think we need to increase military spending and build more nuclear warheads-- and, like the vast majority of Americans (74%) I think the country should "do whatever it takes" to protect the environment, but the EPA, an agency that protects all Americans with its policies-- rich, poor, middle class-- is being dismantled and defunded; I know I sound like General Ripper in Dr. Strangelove, but this is the only air and water w ehave, and I don't want my precious bodily fluids polluted (I also don't want to start a shooting war, so I'm not exactly like General Ripper) and if you want to get angry about where are tax dollars are not going, then listen to this episode of The Daily  . . . Scott Pruitt and Trump are doing their best to aggressively roll back emissions standards (so much so that even the automakers are worried because it may make them need to make different, cleaner cars for California, which has strict emissions standards . . . even though, ironically, it was automakers that wanted less regulation on emissions and lobbied this administration to do so, despite the fact that we bailed the automakers out with our tax dollars and so own these industries as a country but have no say in how they proceed) and so you've got a real lack of democracy-- the majority of the people want clean air, but a small minority (businesses that pollute) want less regulations and the ability to pollute with impunity, and our tax dollars are going to the latter, to enrich a tiny segment while the externalities affect the masses . . . all you can do is vote for taxes on gas (hooray New Jersey!) and push for state emissions legislation like California, while we wait out this absurd EPA agenda (and plant trees).


Unknown said...

"Our tax dollars", "Our" being the 55% of Americans that actually pay federal income tax, 74% of "Our" think the country should do whatever it takes, "Our" more accurately representative in 41% of "Our", not quite a "vast majority" now which should raise an eyebrow especially to Pew which is consistently unbiased, more surprisingly as 74% seems a low percentage, leaving me hard-pressed to find a correlation as I drive solo to work in my new Toyota Land Cruiser exempt of the Gas Guzzler Tax and exhausted by not using a period.

Dave said...

i'm not following you-- we're one of the lowest taxed countries in the developed world, so lots of people don't pay. but certainly those who do pay (and those who don't) want clean air, clean water, and less lead and pollution in the environment, except for a slim minority which have lobbied (successfully) to capture our government. and our president would not approve of that toyota and might slap a tariff on it! you should buy an american gas guzzler that spews out lots of nasty emissions . . .

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