DST Is Easier to Deal With When You Don't Have to Go to Work

Where It Hurts, a noir crime thriller set on Long Island-- but nowhere near the Hamptons-- is about as dark and violent as the genre gets, and Reed Farrel Coleman has a deft touch with an extensive set of characters; they materialize one after the other, each the star of a short chapter, each providing a small piece to the puzzle retired cop Gus Murphy is trying to solve, each character broken in their own special way, each piece of information similarly fragmented . . . this was a perfect blizzard read: I couldn't put it down . . . and I didn't need to.


zman said...

I would like to amend the title of this sentence to conclude with "and Your Kids Are Old Enough to Take Care of Themselves."

Dave said...

they had school! so did my wife! i have a delayed opening today and they all have to go in on time. i'm living the high life . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.