Rock 'n' Roll Mathematics #1

There's a mathematical paradox in The Fabulous Thunderbird's song "Tuff Enuff" . . . if you work "twenty-four hours, seven days a week," then you won't actually have any time left over to "come home" and kiss your girlfriend's cheek . . . unless, of course, you have "eight days a week" to show you care (and I'm not even going to comment on the creative spelling of the title . . . or maybe I will: "Tough Enough" looks so much better).


Whitney said...

Never liked that song but I have always liked their rendition of "Wrap It Up" off that same album. Corcoran had the CD in college and I would come in his room when he was in class and blast that one song on repeat and eventually leave.

Dave said...

i like the spelling of "wrap it up" much better . . .

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