Don't Mention This Hypothesis to My Wife (or do it when I'm not around)

I'm not going to say this out loud, because summer vacation has just started-- which is awesome-- but the house does get disastrously messy because we are living in it a lot more, but still-- just entertain this for a moment-- isn't it possible that it might be more efficient to put dishes in the dishwasher once there is a whole pile of dirty stuff, instead of putting them in one at a time, right when you're finished using them?


Whitney said...

This is similar to your proposal that dishes/pots be washed right before you use them, not after you use them.

Dave said...

if you want to use a dish, wash it!

zman said...

If you want to use a dish, pull a clean one out of the cabinet and stick it in the dishwasher when you're done using it. Run the dishwasher once it's full, then put the clean dishes in the cabinet. Thus the cycle continues.

rob said...

zman is a staunch defender of the status quo. with that kinda thinking, we'd never have landed on the moon.

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