A Fun Game (if you like loud noises)

A few weeks ago, we converted our spare change into an Amazon Gift Card, and this has led to some impulse purchases . . . the latest is a Cajon Box Drum, which is a large wooden box that doubles as a stool, and you whack it in various spots to get various tones; my family invented the Cajon Box Drum Game, in which several family members play the drum in succession and a person in another room -- who cannot see the drum and the player -- tries to guess who is beating on it . . . oddly, this was easy to do in my family; my wife didn't have much rhythm, my son Alex hits it a bit randomly, Catherine said it sounded like I was "thinking about it too much," and Ian -- the little bastard -- is a natural.


  1. Which one reminded you of Squirrel's drunken Random Idiot drum performance for which he was dubbed Popcorn?

  2. I've been known to hit it a bit randomly too.

  3. alex is totally popcorn . . . thought of that right when he started hitting the thing. do you remember what instrument he was playing?

  4. whale, dude. i was playing the whale.
