Like Father, Like Dog?

Dear Abby . . .

I have no genetic stake in my dog Sirius, nor did I have anything to do with his breeding -- we adopted him -- yet I take great pride in how fast he can run, how athletic and acrobatic he is, and how well he races alongside my mountain bike . . . in fact, I often brag about him to the other "parents" at the dog park . . . and so I am wondering: am I insane?


Proud Father to an Extremely Hirsute Four-legged Boy.


  1. If you're insane, this is the 69,000th reason why.

  2. Dave, when you missed your 10 year high school reunion, your old girlfriend asked me why you didn't come back for it, and I said you were in Syria. It will be a less interesting conversation this time when I tell her you are missing your 20th to coach a regular season soccer game. I may have to spice it up with some fiction. Stay tuned.

  3. also mention that i have a dog now. have fun! when is it?
