Darth Vader vs. Sirius

Though my loyal readers expressed their disgust with some of the recent content on Sentence of Dave, I think the root cause of this story about my dog's anus needs clarification: my dog had good reason to tear apart the mitten and eat the stuffing, as my son's Darth Vader Alarm Clock went off in the middle of the day and the clock was screaming DON'T UNDERESTIMATE THE POWER OF THE FORCE! and THE EMPEROR HAS BEEN EXPECTING YOU! in a creepy Darth Vader voice, and Sirius was home alone and listening to this emanate from the top of the stairs for God knows how long, before I got home and unplugged the thing-- and I had to tell my son that we were going to have to get rid of the clock, as it's difficult to control the alarm, and impossible to shut off-- once it went off in the middle of the night and the dog knocked over the table it was on (and Alex was very good about parting with his beloved birthday gift . . . I told him he could sell it at a garage sale and use the money for whatever he desired . . . but I think he may have an inflated view of the value of the clock and be in for a rude awakening when he goes to sell it).


Anonymous said...

your dog just got a higher status in your pack. catherine better watch out.

Clarence said...

Who's more evil, the manufacturer who thought this was a good product to market to children or the parents who wanted to terrify their children with it?

If there's a way to bookmark this post for Alex's therapist in a handful of years, do it.

Dave said...

he received this birthday gift at his swim party, from a person who shall not be named, but who i am sure did not know exactly how terrifying the alarm would be to a puppy.

Dave said...

my dog has the runs today. yuk.

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