The World Will Never Know

I wonder what kinds of fantastic and creative ideas I would come up with if my consciousness was not constantly being interrupted by my children (mainly my son Alex, who is apparently scared of silence and feels the need to constantly fill it with his half-baked thoughts, which isn't so far off from the premise of this blog, so I can't really chastise him for the habit, except when he says, "Daddy? Daddy? Daddy? Daddy?" even though I am looking at him-- eyebrows raised-- waiting for him to finish the thought, but he keeps repeating my name until I say, "Yes Alex?" and by that time he has usually forgotten what it was he wanted to say and I have forgotten about whatever I was thinking as well).


Anonymous said...

I am like Alex and I'm always filling the silence with my big mouth. I am amazed by Madeline, because she doesn't do that. It is so nice to be with her, but it makes me nervous that something is wrong. But there isn't. She just isn't a blabber mouth.

Dave said...

ian is the same way. it's weird . . .

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