Two Boys on Bikes: You Know Where This is Headed

I couldn't have been prouder than I was last week when my youngest son mastered the two-wheeler and the three of us went biking through the park . . . I wonder if this will lead to the inevitable:  the two of them drunk and needing to be somewhere in a hurry so they "borrow" a couple of bikes, ride them to the bar, and dump them on someone's front lawn . . . I had forgotten about this practice (which was popular when I went to William and Mary) but my friend reminded me about it when he told me his bikes were stolen in Sea Isle City and the cops told him that was usually the reason for bike theft . . . and sure enough, they found one of his bikes on a front lawn near a bar (which is better than in Amsterdam, there when the joy ride is over, the thieves toss your bike into the canal).


  1. That's not as bad as them riding a tandem bike to the bar

  2. I am guilty of stealing a bike when I was at Bucknell and riding it home from the bar. Unfortunately, I was hauling my roommate Erin and kinda lost control and drove us both into the window of La Casa de Pizza. Fortunately, we didn't go through the window.

  3. We left the bike perpendicular to the front window and continued our journey home on foot - my feet... I gave Erin a piggy back ride. She only weight 85 pounds... aw, memories...

    I was also in Amsterdam once when a young Italian boy attempting to woo me cycled up to my B&B to pick me up for a date. I complimented him on his bike and he remarked that it was just something he had picked up somewhere...

  4. Ps. to clarify, when I say young Italian boy, I mean 25, not 15.

  5. This is a crying shame that someone would do such a thing to a bike. Next time try electric scooter dealer for some great prices on something new
