These Modern Times Are Complex

Sometimes-- when we have a sink full of dirty dishes-- I open the dishwasher, in order to load it up, and then start washing all the dishes in the sink by hand, because I have forgotten that there is a such a device as a dishwasher, but eventually, I'll glance over and see the open dishwasher door and remember what I set out to do: load the dirty dishes into a labor and water saving device . . . does anyone else do this?


  1. No. Never. I don't do it and no one else would do that. Only you.

  2. someone else does this-- i know it.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. blog etiquette, joy! we try to keep things fairly anonymous around here . .

  5. and good luck making a blog for class-- you probably don't want to use this one as a model . . .

  6. riight; will do. haha do not worry i will not--i have guidelines. and you are not the only one--my dad does that sometimes.
