Just Say Your Sorry!

Another tip from social scientist Dan Ariely:  saying "sorry" really does have a beneficial effect . . . Ariely proved this by setting up a simple experiment where the technician running the experiment takes a cell-phone call in the middle of questioning the subject-- and rudely ignores him for a time-- but later the subject has a chance to exact "revenge" when the technician over-pays him for his efforts; if the technician did NOT take the cell phone call, then the subject usually gave back the overpayment, but the times the technician took the call, the subject usually exacted pecuniary revenge for  the rudeness . . . unless the technician said, "Sorry, I shouldn't have taken that call" afterward . . . but, of course, if Ariely simply watched this scene in Monty Python and the Holy Grail (when Lancelot storms the wedding and kills the best man and many other guests, but ends up getting along smashingly with the King because he apologizes for his violent actions) the he wouldn't have had to go through all the trouble of running the experiment.


  1. Unless you say sorry too many times, then it's just annoying and doesn't mean anything

  2. it's true-- it only works so many times.

    i am wondering if this is my wife?

  3. just confirmed it. it WAS my wife! but i guess she signed "anonymous" because she was speaking for all wives.

  4. many social science implications here - as Catherine go her point across via your blog, I can't see how technology has not vastly improved inter-spousal communications

    like when you text you are too drunk to walk home, I am sleeping on the next bench I see
