6/16/10 It's Number Day!

A sentence with some numbers: when my wife and I went to the Greek place last week for our tenth anniversary, we drank a bottle of wine I bought five years ago in order to save for this occasion (but it was actually seven years old, barbera del monferrato 2003) and it tasted quite good, and then when we got the bill, Catherine told me if I guessed it within a dollar she would give me a back-rub and so I added up what I thought were the prices for the grilled calamari, the chicken gyro plate, and the caper salad, calculated some tax, added a dollar surcharge (which I thought existed but actually didn't exist) and hit the total to the penny: $40.50.


d-train said...

jeopardy's on at 7

Dave said...

i am 40

zman said...

I would have expected it to cost 19 cents more.

Dave said...

1 goal for the swiss.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.