Dave is Transitioning . . . Slowly

After interviewing many friends, students, and co-workers, I have decided to switch to a Mac; I told my students it feels like I'm getting ready for a sex change but they said it isn't that severe-- so now I'm ready to switch teams (or switch back, as I once had an Apple IIe) and now all I need to get this transition going is for some charitable soul to buy me an iMac.


Al DePantsdowno said...

It's not worth the difference in cost. Get a cheap laptop that you can afford to have dropped on the floor or milk spilled on/in. If it dies, you just buy a new one. The offer still stands if you want help with your virus laden one.

Anonymous said...

Switching to a Mac is more expensive, but it's more like retiring from a donkey show Tiajuana and getting a nice reliable office job and living in the suburbs, sure the cost is higher, but you don't have to take it up the cornhole from a donkey.

Al DePantsdowno said...

True, it would be great if we could all have nice cushy jobs that pay us more than we're worth and more than we need, but everyone can't work for the government like Dave and Catherine. Some of us need to actually create wealth so that you government workers can squander it. I'll stick with my donkey. At least it's honest.

zman said...

Talk to Paci. I work with a Mac owner who claims that his Mac is his soulmate. Those are his actual words.

Dave said...

my PC is my taint-mate.

celine said...

i think owning a mac is like going from film to digital or from antenna to cable or from tube to hd or land line to cellular. only those in the know - know the difference. so don't go to the place of know, right? because then it will get stolen and you will be gifted a perfectly fine something else and then that will break on you and then you know the only way to go is to reinvest in the same thing you had before because your life will never be the same without it.

hold on.

what are we talking about again?

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