
It made me happy that I put the drawer slides upside-down in our new TV stand, because I was forced to reach into the drawer recess and unscrew them, which gave me an opportunity to use the tiny flashlight at the end of my power screw-driver, something I just discovered (though we've had it for ten years) the other day by accident . . . and when the tiny light popped on because I hit the little switch I had never noticed before, I wondered: "When the hell am I ever going to need a tiny flash light at the end of my battery powered screwdriver?" and now I have answered my own question.


Anonymous said...

I like the depraved Dave who insults crippled and pregnant teens as opposed to the boring suburban Dave that relates the tedious details of middle age.

rob said...

hear, hear

Dave said...

10,000 years from now when aliens read this blog to discover how humans lived on earth, they will say just the opposite.

Al DePantsdowno said...

Each "sentence" has merit. When the movie comes out, whoever writes the screenplay will have ultimate say over which days get edited out. I'd like to request that if I can't play myself, that Mickey Rourke be considered.

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.