Mrs. Parham Will Get Back to Us

As we walked along the Raritan River in the park by my house, my son Alex described his day at school-- specifically the class Thanksgiving song-- and so I mentioned to him about how Lenape Indians had lived right here next to the river by our house and he said "Daddy, that's a bad word! Mrs. Parham said that you can't say that!" and I tried to explain to him that "Indian" wasn't a bad word, that it was just a misnomer, and that in some contexts, you can still say Indians (no one wants to play Cowboys and Native Americans) but he didn't seem very convinced by my argument-- he said he would check with Mrs. Parham and get back to me.


Al DePantsdowno said...

You should have said "woo woo" Indians, so he knew who you were talking about.

Dave said...

did michael scott say that?

celine said...

There is an injun living 3 doors down from me here in Istanbul. She is from NV and has a huge Ikea clock hanging in her living room and made candied popcorn balls to hand out for Halloween.

Dave said...

you better be careful you don't get scalped for spelling it "injun."

zman said...

I remember learning about the Lenni Lenape if first grade. Were they related to the Oritani and the Hackensacki?

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