Dave Exorcises Junk Food Demons (and Sinks the Shot)

Yesterday, there was a giant spread of junk food in the English office, and as usual, I was drawn to the worst thing on the table-- a box of glazed mini-crullers-- but just as I was about to put the donut in my mouth, some other impulse took hold--DEMONS OUT!-- and I whipped the box of mini-donuts as hard as I could across the room at the little metal trashcan and-- to the surprise of the people in the room-- it went right in . . . and I think my relationship with junk food will be different now: I have conquered the urge to be a glutton, and my reward is that I am now unerringly accurate (although two periods later I did eat six mini-muffins, and I cut each one in half so that I could have double the surfaces to coat with butter).


rob said...

how do you have enough time to write a sentence, remember a quote, teach america's youth, and butter 12 half-muffins?

Greg said...

Hark! A new blog found.
Full sentence but not haiku.
Butter six muffins.

celine said...

what happened to using the bat to hit things into the garbage? i am so lost. there better still be some iced tea mix on the floor that i have to help clean up with k-dog when i get back.

Dave said...

it's a kinder gentler office now-- i keep the bat down in my classroom . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.