My Children Cooperate in a Jailbreak

Two scary things happened yesterday: 

1) I learned that my red running shorts are "not sexy" and look "very eighties"-- and the fact that they have netting (so you don't need to wear underwear with them) didn't seem to impress anyone in the English office; 

2) I came home to find Alex and Ian pretending to sleep on Ian's floor, and when I asked them how Ian got out of his crib, Alex said he helped him get out, by stacking several laundry baskets and then using a large stuffed Winnie the Pooh as a ladder-- and the scary thing is not that Ian escaped, it is the bigger picture: the natives are starting to cooperate.


celine said...

not having to wear underwear has to trump anything else.

Dave said...

it is very convenient, except that when i change in dan's office before i run, for a moment i'm totally naked and people are always barging in on me . . .

celine said...

that is kind of like when i was pumping in Joe's office...

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