Dave Does His Civic Duty (Begrudgingly)

Jury duty effectively combined a trans-Atlantic airplane flight, the DMV, and a Kafka novel: I sat on an uncomfortable seat in a stuffy room with strange people for eight hours waiting for my number to be called, but it never was-- which is good, because I don't have to serve on a trial, but my eyes still hurt from reading so much (if I owned a cell-phone I could have called random people and talked about my daughter's science project, like the guy next to me) . . . I read an entire novel (Evelyn Waugh's Vile Bodies-- very funny and appropriate title for the day) and as much as I could handle of The Cosmic Landscape, but then it got too hard and I bought a random magazine about science culture called Seed at lunch.


Anonymous said...

Once again, reading this sentence made me feel like I suffered through it too--take it as you please.

Dave said...

my whining is first class . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.