To Drool or Not to Drool

I have to stop bringing such good sandwiches to work (e.g. ham, mozzarella, fried peppers, onion, lettuce, and balsamic dressing-- Catherine made me one yesterday and I replicated it today) because it's all I think while I'm teaching my morning classes, and when I think about food I salivate profusely, and salivating profusely is no way to teach literature.


Whitney said...

What kind of bread? I need the complete picture.

Dave said...

some kind of soft hoagie roll. very delicious.

Anonymous said...

ham .... ham ... god I miss a good slice of ham. How long does ham stay fresh? Maybe I can get my parents to DHL some to Bangladesh.

Dave said...

hey matt! how is bangladesh?

c.marie said...

Bangladesh isn't so far from Turkey...I cna have my friends bring some back from Germany and then I could have my other friends drop it out of the airplane on the way to the Philippines. We had a friend bring some bacon home from was awesome.

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