8/13/10 An Invention Just for You . . . You're Welcome!

I don't do charity work for the homeless or volunteer at the local food pantry, but I do consider this blog and the ideas that I give the on-line universe as my form of community service-- and if you doubt me, let me remind you about conceptual gifts such as this, this, and this-- and so I just came up with a new one, and more power to the person who reads this and follows through with the patenting and production of this invention I am donating to the internet . . . all I want is the ability to say, "You saw it here first" . . . so here it is:  everyone hates putting away laundry-- it's difficult enough to DO the laundry and once you're done there's never any motivation and energy left to actually put away the clothes-- so you make a dresser with laundry basket style drawers, so once you've put your laundry into the baskets, you're done-- you just slide the laundry basket drawers into your dresser and go back to your busy life and once you've worn all the clothes in your drawer, then slide it out, fill it with clothes from the hamper and do some laundry . . . knowing that when it's complete you can put it in your basket and effortlessly slip the drawer shaped basket right into your dresser.


zman said...
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zman said...


Squeaky said...

You realize there is no saving of anything (time nor energy) with your idea. You are just shifting the process order around. Not too mention where do you put the empty dresser drawers? Burn them in the chimera out back?

Dave said...

what the hell are you talking about, squeaky? time and energy are both saved! you put the clothes in the basket, but the basket IS a drawer, so then you don't have to transfer the clothing from the basket to the drawer-- you just slide the basket into the drawer's spot!

no one understands me.

Dave said...

zman, that is functionally what i'm talking about, but it's got to LOOK like a dresser . . . enough so that a chick would buy it.

Clarence said...

Michael Bolton: That's the worst idea I've ever heard in my life, Tom.

Samir: Yes, this is horrible, this idea.

d-train said...

and what about clean clothes mixed in with dirty ones? bad idea. terrible in fact. sorry.

zman said...

Respectfully, a chick wouldn't buy something as rational as a laundry basket/dresser hybrid.

Clarence said...

The bitch of laundry is the folding of it -- this invention doesn't mitigate that time/energy in any way. Of course, I've seen your attire and it appears you don't wear clothes that need folding, anyway.

c.marie said...

this sounds much like my idea for a shopping cart pantry. you shop, the cart folds into the back of your car (like a stretcher in a n ambulance - the technology already exists), and then wheel the cart into your home and into the "pantry" or corner of your house where you keep the food. when it is empty, you go to the store again. it omits the need for bags, packing the car with groceries and then unpacking when you arrive home. i know these things can exist.

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