More Popular Than Sex!

I'm reading Bill Tancer's Click: What Millions of People are Doing Online and Why it Matters and the premise is this: Tancer is the general manager at Hitwise, an internet intelligence company that sifts through millions of internet searchers in an attempt to understand the world's subconscious; for example, when people search "how to" do something, it usually involves sex . . . from "how to make out" to "how to get pregnant" but the number one search in the United States is "how to tie a tie" . . . but that's not number one in Britain (school uniforms) . . . and my favorite is the sixth most searched "how to"-- it seems people really want to know how to levitate.


celine said...

you just reminded me...i want to double check how to clean the uncircumcised penis of my newborn son. where does that fall on the list?

Dave said...

are you going to circumcise him turkish style? when he's eight.

celine said...

ewww...gross...(we considered it because of the cool outfit) - we figured we would let a professional do it in the States (they are so good at it there).

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