Outer Banks Fishing Trip XV

Here are some things that happened during The Fifteenth Annual Outer Banks Fishing Trip that didn't happen during the other years:
1) stand-up paddle boarding;

2) no swimming flag for three days;

3) Lacey, the bartender at Tortuga's, joined in movie game II and sat down and had a beer with us AND texted Jeremy twice to see if we would meet her out, despite the fact that she was married . . .  apparently, to a good-looking but humorless guy;

4) Whitney invented the movie sound track game and scrolled from A to Z on his infinite Ipod; 

5) Cliff demonstrated his knowledge of Mary Poppins and Grease;

6) Rodell demonstrated his musical knowledge of Singles and Fast Times at Ridgemont High;

7) Squirrel demonstrated his musical knowledge of The Big Chill;

8) we learned that I have never seen Top Gun (but I have seen The Big Lewbowski and can identify the Cheers theme song in one note) and that Lacy has never seen Vacation 

9) Frisbeer is all about defense;

10) Kenny Bloom and Fish were in spitting distance but decided not to show;

this is all I can think of for now, remind me of anything else I forgot-- it's too bad no one has been jotting down what happened at OBFT for the first fourteen years-- or perhaps that's a good thing.


rob said...

my savant-like musical knowledge is of the dumb n' dumber soundtrack, not the big chill. everything else you noted, though, is exactly right. as far as i remember.

Dave said...

sorry-- dumb n dumber is much cooler than the big chill (which i also have not seen-- three for my list: top gun, tombstone, and the big chill)

Dave said...

also, we saw hot girls playing sand volleyball at tortuga's and paci revealed that he has been secretly married since 2001.

Mike said...

that doesn't make it to the first page?

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