Yet Another Reason I Hate Fucking Cars

Like most rational aesthetes, I find the Tesla Cybertruck to be a hideous and bulky eyesore, but it seems there is a way to level up the offensiveness of this sheet metal behemoth . . . and that is by adding an on-the-nose vanity license plate label which identifies what kind of car the license plate is adorning (in this instance, CYBR1) and this, of course, falls into the same category of objectionable taste as wearing a Weezer t-shirt to a Weezer concert-- you just don't do it (nor do you wear a Dungeons and Dragons t-shirt to a session of D&D, as I once pointed out to my older son) unless you write something witty, ironic, and meta . . . perhaps I could get a vanity plate for my Sportage that says "Kia Pet" or this Cybertruck owner could get a plate that reads "Pedo Boy" or "Compensating for my Tiny Penis."



  1. The Cybertruck is probably the dumbest car on the road. Not only is it ugly as sin, it's poorly built, unreliable, dangerous, and can't do many of the things they said it could do. Google "cybertruck fail" for tons of fun.

  2. one of my favorite little shops in town has a bumper sticker on offer that says, "i drive this little car to compensate for my giant penis". i am sorely tempted, my friends.
