The Students Take ONE of My Suggestions

This morning I had to proctor the PSAT for my sophomore honors class-- the test itself, after the usual technological and logistical shitshow-- lasted until 11 AM, and then the teachers were given two pieces of posterboard and we were supposed to persuade the kids to make two banners for homecoming . . . one of them was to be Disney-themed and the other was supposed to reflect school spirit . . . so MY suggestion for the Disney themed poster was to feature Steamboat Willie scratching, deleting, erasing, and defacing drawings of other notable Disney characters-- while reminding the audience in a caption that he was the only Disney character that existed in the public domain and the only one that could be used without permission-- I thought this would be a good lesson on staying, as Shakespeare's Fabian puts it, "on the windy side of the law" and keeping our class from being sued by the Disney legal machine-- but the kids ignored this brilliant suggestion, in the same manner, that they ignored this suggestion last year . . but they humored me and filled the blank space in our other poster with the chant, "We got spirit, yes we do, we got spirit, how 'bout you?"


Whitney said...

Dave, do you remember when we went to a Lafayette High School football game when we were in college? And you went up to the pep band and made a song request?

Hey, can you guys play that song... it goes
dunt dunt dunt duuuunt dunt
dunt dunt dunt duuuunt dunt
dunt dunt dunt

...and of course they knew it and played it. Success!

Dave said...

yes! i still don't know the name of that song . . .

A New Sentence Every Day, Hand Crafted from the Finest Corinthian Leather.