Choices, choices . . . Neither Palatable

Stuck between a rock and a very boring place tomorrow: do I attend the 7 AM faculty meeting or the 2:50 PM faculty meeting?


zman said...

Hands down 2:50. That extra few minutes of sleep on the margin is crucial.

Whitney said...

Agree. Easy one.

Dave said...

you guys are nuts, i'm up and drinking coffee. i'd much rather have my afternoon free to plant some bamboo, play a little pickleball, and walk the dog.

Marls said...

How long is this staff meeting? I’m assuming it can’t be longer than 30 min since folks likely have homeroom and other duties by 7:30. Is that really cutting into your afternoon time?

Professor G. Truck said...

55 minutes. so yes. i was so happy to jet out of there at 2:45.

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