Dig This

Spotify's infinite algorithmic bounty (which is as overwhelming as it is generous) recently introduced me to the psychedelic pop/rock of White Fence, but the album I'm obsessed with-- Hair-- is one layer deeper-- as it is a collaboration between White Fence and another musician I was not familiar with: Ty Segall . . . anyway, Hair is a garage psychedelia masterpiece, rapidly moving from jangly pop to overdriven fuzz to deconstructed punk, often without transition-- and the vibe is simultaneously counterculture relic and indie rock experiment, a real treat.


  1. we got labels now! and ty segall is excellent.

  2. i'm going to link my book stuff and music stuff. labels!

  3. Ty Segall is fantastic, I saw him in NYC a few years ago and it was worth the schlep and the accompanying exhaustion the next day.

  4. why isn't anyone telling me about this stuff?
