Chores on a Workday?

My plan was to do some chores after work-- vacuum, clean a bathroom, call Vanguard and open a retirement account-- but now I am stalling by writing this sentence, which is a stupid endeavor because absolutely nothing of any import happened at school today, so Ihave zero content . . . just business as usual with the seniors: lessons about narrative tone and structure, then they got to watch a couple videos (of me, telling stories-- I have archival footage from the pandemic that I love to use-- then I can write stuff on the board or grade an essay while the video version of me is doing the lesson) and then we took a walk in the sun and I got them organized into groups and then they presented on tone-- easy lessons, easy-going seniors . . . I also entered a few grades into the new sophomore Common Assessment columns and screwed them up because they weren't in the right order, but I re-entered the grades and everything was fine, just an uneventful day but even though it was uneventful and even though I showed two videos of myself instead of actually telling a couple stories live, I'm still tired and I'd really like to take a nap now instead of doing chores.


  1. middlesex county tax dollars at work (and i've seen how many of those dollars they collect). just another teacher on the dole doing nothing. shame, really.

  2. Rob, you have it all all wrong. The tax dollars are going to keep Dave busy and off the streets. Imaging the trouble he would be getting into if he was a man of leisure…

  3. never thought of it that way. i withdraw my objection.

  4. i need to be there to press play-- i actaully played another video of myself today. i've got to migrate these things to youtube, they're brilliant
