The First Rule of Costco!

The first rule of Costco is-- of course-- you don't talk about what you buy at Costco-- but the second rule of Costco is NEVER stray from the list-- no impulse buys . . . or else you'll end up like me, shredding this giant three-pound block of Vermont cheddar and freezing it in bags because it would take a family of four at least six months to consume that much cheese, even though it is delicious.



  1. I recently made a Costcto impulse buy of Club Cracker Snack Stacks because zkids eat so many goddam Club Crackers, but as soon as I got home with this massive stack of Snack Stacks they lost all interest. You've got the cheese, I've got the crackers. All we need is some Chilean death wine and we can throw a party.

  2. they sell wine by the case at my Costco! one of the few with liquor . . .
