I Thought of This Myself! I Didn't Even Use Pinterest!

Today Cat and I are celebrating our 24th Wedding Anniversary, but instead of buying TWO dozen roses, I saved some money and mathematically transformed one dozen roses into the appropriate amount with a simple formula-- and then I delivered the flowers (and the equation) to her school and was able to present them to her during a fire drill (and her math students were properly amused once they solved the equation, as was my wife).


  1. I’d really like to say that this is the lamest cheapskate move ever, but, well, yep, it really is.

  2. thought of that outfit yourself, too, huh?

  3. that's a work outfit . . . you know I work for a living

  4. they let you teach the youth of america in uncovered hairfeet?

  5. Dave's outfit is the best thing since pockets were invented, because, well... pockets!!

  6. I would love it if Dave came home last night to find a delicious meal that Catherine cooked for him, one small taco atop a note with "X 3" printed on it.

  7. uh . . . you'll notice my wife is also teaching with open-toed sandals, and she's teaching even younger youth . . .

    and whit, it's the symbolism! roses for romance, math because she's a math teacher. you just don't get it . . .
