Tools are Cool

Yesterday, Alex and I went to New Brunswick to buy a table from a college girl for twenty bucks-- Alex is moving into an apartment with his girlfriend next weekend-- and the table was perfect but we were unable to get it out of the little room it resided in . . . and even if we could, there was a warren of hallways and a narrow staircase to navigate, so we needed to take the legs off the table, but this college girl had zero tools-- no pliers, no wrench, no hammer, nothing-- so we had to head home and get some tools and I advised the college girl to get a toolbox and start populating it . . . I was like: "Start with a hammer and a screwdriver" but the real lesson here is you should never leave home without a plethora of tools.


  1. I still have the drill that I bought sophomore year to build a picnic table and maybe hang my bed. At the time people thought I was weird for spending $20 on a power tool but I used it up until maybe two years ago when zfamily got me a cordless drill for Father's Day. I think your college girl needs flathead and Philips screwdrivers, some wrenches, a set of hex keys, and a vise grip pliers. That should cover most anything a college kid will encounter.

  2. she should use the twenty bucks she got with the table on tools . . .
