Rain or Shine, the Mail Gets Delivered and the Dog Gets Walked

Long as I remember the rain been coming down-- clouds of mystery pouring confusion on the ground- good men through the ages trying to find the sun and I wonder, still, I wonder who'll stop the rain . . . and more importantly, who will walk the dog in this rain-- and the answer to that question is: me.


  1. my dog is absolutely terrified of the wind and rain when she's inside the house. it's the most pathetic thing you've ever seen. outside, when she's in the elements, she's happier than a pig in shit. or a dog in rain, as the case may be. it's vexing.

  2. that is very weird. my dog is more logical, in that regard. she doesn't want to go out in it, and when we do, she does her business promptly so we can get back inside.
