Irony Noted

I was stuck at the crowded intersection of Plainfield Ave and Route 27, by the Tastee Sub and amidst the plethora of bumper stickers on the Subaru in front of me, I noticed one that read "Abuse an animal, go to jail" and then the light changed and I drove past the Burger King and the irony was not lost on me that we live in a country where many people profess progressive attitudes about animal rights/animal consciousness, yet fast food franchises dot the landscape (though it may have been lost on all the factory-farmed beef patties and ground-up nugget sized chunks of battery-caged, debeaked chickens inside the Burger King deep freeze).


  1. Oh, look at mister smarty pants human, thinks chickens don’t get irony…

  2. what you described was a coincidence. it would've been ironic if the subaru pulled into the burger king. aren't you an english teacher?

  3. that's not a coincidence because of the reversal of expectations-- you'd think you'd see a bumper sticker like that in front of an organic grocery store.

  4. But it’s not a reversal of expectations. No right minded person expects that the bumper sticker broadcasted views of a driver will align with all of the businesses they randomly drive past. The coincidental juxtaposition of the two amused you, but it’s not ironic, Alanis.

  5. A chicken could’ve explained that to you.

  6. the irony of the juxtaposition is ubiquitous. we live in a country where people have progressive bumper stickers about animal consciousness/animal rights yet fast food restaurants full of tortured and abused factory-farmed meat dot the landscape. if you can't note that irony, then my brilliant wit and humor is lost on you mcnugget brains.

  7. i have revised my sentence to be more clear on the irony that I am noting . . .

  8. Bard AI says "there's a strong sense of irony" in this situation . . .

  9. the damage has already been done.
