Three Better be the Magic Number

Hopefully, the proverb "bad things come in threes" is accurate-- because we had three bad things happen in rapid-fire succession today-- in a twenty minute span-- and now I hope we're in the clear . . .

Bad Thing #1: I pulled my calf muscle playing pickleball today-- totally stupid because my calf has been really tight, some kind of spasm or cramp, and despite this, I played a bunch of basketball with my son earlier in the week, which didn't help, but then I rolled it and rested it and stretched it properly and all that and it felt good today-- too good-- so I stopped taking it easy and played hard and mid-jump something snapped, so I'll be out of commission for a while;

Bad Thing #2: Cat texted her principal something that was meant for her co-teacher and NOT meant for her principal (in fact, it was about her principal) and so she had to do some back-pedaling and apologizing-- this was a movie-like bad thing where you're like "WTF?" . . . than happened?

Bad Thing 3#: while we were playing pickleball, our dog Lola did a bad thing-- when Cat walked up the hill to get the car (because I could NOT manage to walk up the hill with a pulled calf muscle) she found our kitchen and living room all amess with plastic wrappers and powdered sugar . . . Lola got up on the counter and ate an entire bag of pita bread AND a bunch of pizzelle star cookies coated in powdered sugar . . . so her stomach is eventually going to be a mess and I can't even walk her.


  1. I can't really fault the dog for doing dog stuff (and I can envision a world in which you come home drunk and eat all the pita bread and pizzelle star cookies, or all the pepperoni and mustard), and sentences involving your injuries are par for the course around here, but Cat's awkward technological snafu reeks of Dave--normally she's too smart to do something like that but I guess after 20-some-odd years you're wearing off on her.

  2. and i think you need to not make excuses and get out there and walk lola. she'd walk you if she were hurt without even stopping to blog about it.

  3. I bet Lola’s blog has some interesting takes on Dave.

  4. i forgot to mention all this shit happened in a span of 20 minutes
