Tanks a Lot

I brought my son Ian to New Brunswick last night so he could get an MRI on his ankle-- he may have a lacerated tendon-- and when I arrived home, sleepy and ready to watch some TV and fall asleep, I found my wife in the basement, spewing profanity and amazement because not only had she discovered a large and growing puddle of water on our basement floor, but she also discovered the source of this water-- and it wasn't due to the rain storm-- our tankless water heater and the surrounding pipework was leaking from all sorts of places-- so we got the wet-vac and some towels, put a large container under the heater, and got up several times during the night to wet-vac the water from the container and dump it in the sink . . . hopefully we can get a plumber over today, but the lesson here is: just because it doesn't have a tank, that doesn't mean it can't leak.


  1. That stinks, water is both essential to life and the enemy of homeowners. Good luck with the leak.

  2. That's a nice sentence! Plumber down there now fixing it-- some little plastic elbow that goes inside the Navien to the tune of like 800 bucks . . . i should have been a tankless plumber.

  3. we were hoping the headline would be 'tanks fer nuttin'
