Double Van Key Character Building Bicycle Bonus

This morning at 7:45 AM, minutes before first period and just after I got out of the coach's room shower, my phone rang and my wife asked me if I had both of the van keys and I realized that yes I did have both van keys-- last night I drove over to Rutgers because Alex had mistakenly retreated back to college with my wife's credit card and the van key and when I picked up Alex and Ava- they needed a ride to College Avenue-- he put the credit card in my wallet and van key on my chain for the safe-keeping of both objects and then I kept them there safely until this morning, when I took my wife's car to school because Ian needed a car to go to a job interview and we try not to let him use the nice car, so he was supposed to take the minivan but since I had both van keys, my wife had to bike to work and my son had to bike to his job interview at Birnn chocolate-- and my wife got to work on time and my son got the job, so obviously biking places-- even if it is very cold and windy-- builds character and works out in the end (even though when I walked out of the school building this afternoon, my first thought was holy shit, I would not want to be biking in this kind of cold, windy weather).


  1. wait. why isn't ian at school?

  2. he's decided to pursue a career in the rich world of chocolate. hard to blame him.

  3. I eagerly anticipate Part 2 of this saga, which involves Catherine and Ian coldly berating Dave.

  4. Oh, to discover a 15-year-old daily blog called Sentence of Cat...

  5. ian withdrew from college-- wasn't working out for him. i would love to read a fifteen-year "sentence of cat" perspective on my life! or maybe I would only be a minor character . . .

  6. gotcha. glad he can reset with you guys. you got the character part right - like a manic muppet with hairy feet.
