Three Firsts for Dave

Two new things for me today:

1) I washed a number of filthy baseball caps in the dishwasher . . . top rack, with a knee brace as well-- then I dried the hats with our big floor fan-- and now I've got some very clean hats . . .

2) I dressed like the lion from The Wizard of Oz for my cousin's one-year-old birthday party-- and though my costume was quite minimalist: brown shirt, shoes, and pants; some whiskers painted on my face; and a rather realistic tail my wife made from an old towel-- it didn't matter because the other adults really went all out with their costumes to complete Dorothy's gang so I looked just fine . . . 

3) while we were at the party-- which was very loud-- my brother and I watched Rutgers come back from an 18-point deficit to defeat Michigan State and Rutgers did a kicking play that I've never seen work this way . . . the kicker "sky-kicked" the ball and the Michigan player let it bounce before he tried to catch it and by the time the ball came down a Rutgers player was already there-- the Rutgers kid collided with the Michigan State player and just grabbed the ball from him . . . hello!


  1. Nice effort my cowardly friend.

    I've tried the dishwasher approach to hats but my go-to method is bringing them into the shower with me and using shampoo. I figure if the shampoo cleans the schmutz my head creates in my hair it should clean the schmutz my head creates in my hat. Get your head lathered up, then put the hat on and jiggle it a little bit ("it" is the hat). Then take the hat off and rub some of the lather from inside the hat on the outside of the hat. Rinse and leave in the shower to dry.

  2. i like it! cut out the middleman . . . just go straight into the shower with your hat on-- i might do this with all my clothes . . .
