The Future's So Dark I Gotta Wear Night Vision Goggles

I guess I should remark on the pall-- on the looming sense of dread-- that's been hanging over my town and my school; both have a sizeable Jewish population and our neighbors have children living in and visiting Israel (including one that has been called up to serve) and there are folks we know at school that are contemplating heading over to serve in the Israeli reserve forces . . . anyway, Terry and I spent a period in the English office drawing maps on the whiteboard and talking through the strategies and intentions of both Hamas and Israel and it seems, from any logical point of view (which might not be the right way to think about it, because Hamas is a fanatically religious organization with a mission wit wipe Isreal off the map) that the suicidal Hamas terrorist attack is to obviously bait Israel into decimating the Gaza Strip, causing an incredible humanitarian disaster . . . which will gain Palestinians empathy on the world stage? who the fuck knows . . . but it's going to be awful and it seems that this war and the war in Ukraine and Chinese incursions into Taiwan and their repression of the Uyghur region and the loss of the United States as a unilateral police force for the world might add up to massive warfare, tragedy, and disaster . . . coming soon to a theater near you.

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