A Basketball Pickle

I raced around like a lunatic, badly stubbing my toe in the process, trying to get to 6:30 AM basketball on time this morning . . . and then we couldn't get the hoops to descend-- the internet was out and apparently the internet is required to send the signal to the motor which lowers the baskets (although we learned-- far too late-- that there is a back-up switch in the equipment closet) but the morning wasn't a total loss-- Jeff and I impressed two willing basketball players into a pickleball match and we got some exercise in that manner and now I'm stuck in class forever-- it's a half-day so there's no lunch and I teach the first three periods, which amounts to being in a room with teenagers from 7:50 AM until 11:32 AM so I'm hangry and tired and hating whoever designed this stupid block schedule . . . and I have to be back at school at 5 PM for three hours of parent/teacher conferences-- which should be abolished at the high school level-- so I can't wait until I retire, because I will still show up for AM sports, and then head home to drink coffee on the porch.


  1. I'm stunned that they still do these conferences in person. We had zdaughter's yesterday and we were the only people who chose the virtual option. Meanwhile, the school sent at least three notifications by email and text about their lack of parking, encouraging everyone to walk or park elsewhere.

  2. I'm also stunned by all the stupid shit that's on wifi like your basketball hoop. We are going to redo zkitchen and I can't believe how much a fridge can cost, or that anyone pays extra for a fridge that connects to the internet. Who uses the fridge to check the weather?

  3. The “internet of things” is something I would think would annoy Dave in practice and in name, based on his mockery of America lyrics.

  4. birds and snakes and internet and things! so dumb . . .
