1215 AD: Terrible Music But Great Charters

In my new episode of We Defy Augury, I take a trip back to 1215 . . . the Year of the Magna Carta; Danny Danziger and John Gillingham help out and guide me, of course, as they are the co-authors of 1215: The Year of Magna Carta . . . and I also take a detour to another fabulous year, 1983 . . . and there are plenty of special guests in this episode as well, including: King Arthur, Denis, The Almighty Lord, Matthew Broderick as David, Al Pacino as Tony Montana, The Choir of Gonville, and Clark Griswold.


  1. come for the history, stay for dave repeatedly mispronouncing his now honorary position

  2. you say ah-mer-i-tus, i say emer eye tus . . . it's all made up anyway . . .

  3. and there's no way i'm going back and editing that-- fuck it, i'm going on vacation . . .
