She Got Her Butt in Gear (After Being Probed in the Rear)

My wife got a colonoscopy this morning (she passed!) and then-- after a nap-- she got her butt in gear and hosted a book club reunion this afternoon (but she did not drive a car, drink alcohol, or sign any important documents-- all of which are strictly prohibited after being under anesthesia).


  1. She told me to thank you so much for chronicling her colorectal exam on the internet

  2. let's all thank the good lord she doesn't read this drivel . . .

  3. When they make Catherine a saint they will point to this blog as supporting evidence to the miracle that she didn't kill Dave.

  4. there's already a st catherine . . .she is the patron saint of young girls, students, philosophers, and craftsmen working with wheels?

    that's quite an eclectic crowd-- i'm sure i fit in somewhere . . . as i rollerblade- i'm a craftsman on wheels.

  5. And you’ve already gone through the hardest part.
