Quality Time with the Ol' Ball and Chain

Catherine and I went and played pickle-ball this morning and then we biked to the Rutgers pool, swam a bit, ate some sandwiches together, and then fell asleep poolside (we were at a fun birthday bbq last night) only to awaken to some very dark clouds rolling in, so we packed up, leapt on our bikes, raced home (sort of-- she was racing, I'm pretty slow on a bike) and beat the torrential downpour by a minute or two, then we went grocery shopping together, and after that we watched TWO finales-- Season 2 of From and Season 1 of Red Oaks . . .  and we didn't bicker, not even once!


  1. Is this a Social Distortion reference or are you trying to instigate bickering?

  2. maybe a "they might be giants" reference-- probably where i learned the term . . . and i'm sure she got sick of all my rattling on

  3. 'quality time with the lucky ball and chain' would've been a really multi-layered and elegant turn of phrase
